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Sermons at Hickory Valley

Nov 25, 2018

From the series: "Life-Changing Encounters with the Savior"

Luke 7:11-17

1. Jesus has compassion on people who are grieving and needy (Luke 7:11-13).

2. Jesus can do what is humanly impossible, including bringing the dead back to life (Luke 7:14-15).

3. God came to "visit" when the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth (Luke...

Nov 18, 2018

From the series: "Life-Changing Encounters with the Savior"

Luke 17:11-19

1. Jesus cares for people who are despised or rejected by the rest of society (Luke 17:11-14).

2. Jesus has power over every condition and situation, including those in which we are powerless to help ourselves (Luke 17:14, 19).

3. The importance...

Nov 11, 2018

From the series: "Life-Changing Encounters with the Savior"

Luke 13:10-17

1. Jesus has power over demons and power over physical disability (Luke 13:10-13).

  1. Do not think that Satan and demons do not exist, and do not regard them as insignificant.
  2. Do not be overly fascinated by Satan and demons.

2. The needs of people...

Nov 4, 2018

From the series "Life-Changing Encounters with the Savior"

Matthew 9:27-31

1. Jesus is the Messiah and He is merciful; cry out to Jesus for help (Matthew 9:27).

2. The Lord helps those who have faith in Him (Matthew 9:28-29).

3. The Lord is able to heal blindness (Matthew 9:30a).

4. The importance of obeying the Lord...